Building Legacies in Living Moments

Create and preserve your loved one’s legacy hassle free. Share photos, videos, memories, music, family information and more with each scan of our Living Legacy QR medallion or each share of our Living Legacy memorial page

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Legacy Page
Family Tree
Cemetery Location
Life Events

How it Works

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Scan the QR plaque with your phone to view the memorial page.

About Us

At Living Legacy, we are an ordinary family who have weathered extraordinary times. Over four years, like countless others, we endured the loss of three cherished family members. Amidst frequent visits to cemeteries and gravesides, a poignant realization struck us: there was no one left but us to preserve and share their stories. Who would carry forth their narratives once we were gone? What memories would future generations hold of them?

From this deeply personal journey, Living Legacy emerged. Our mission is simple yet profound: to offer an accessible and affordable technologically advanced solution for ordinary people to safeguard the legacies of their loved ones, ensuring that their stories endure for generations to come.

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